Here is my conceptual idea for my lip-sync, my idea is to take a skate board thats being fixed on a desk, where there is a stationary pot, with a pair of scissors in it, and im going to have the skateboard and scissors talk, blink, and mover their eyes.
the background for this is a shop, so there will be your average till and items in the background, but the main foreground is going to be a wooden desk.
im going to use audio clip 2, as listenign to them all, they all seem quite boring as such, but kind of liked number 2.
originally i wanted to do animals, as in like creature comforts, but then realised how many people were doing animals, then thought okay, im going to do inanimate objects, as it will make me stand apart a bit and be the same old thing.
i will be honest, im not 100% happy about working in flash, i don't really like it, but it is a programme that can be used for many of things, so no reason not to learn it. Im not a very artistic person, i like having a drawing of something and turning it into a 3D model, then going through that whole process, thats what i want to learn as much as i possibley can about, but having a variety of knowledge in different programmes is no really a bad thing.
i found my mouth shapes off of google, and slighly changed the shape of the lips and teeth as to make it a bit more unique. my next step is to draw these characters in flash, get the different mouths drawn, then start listening intensly to the script and making the movements.
im also only going to use 4 drawings for the eyes blinking and it will be at such a fast speed it shouldn't jump and look odd.
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